Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Woro Woro Lindt


Aku ga tau kenapa dan bagaimana aku jadi begitu penasaran dengan dark chocolate impor yang halal untuk dimakan. Mungkinkah aku terobsesi? Ga tau deh...

Oke, karena aku sangat penasaran dengan Lindt, akhirnya aku membulatkan tekad kontak Lindt melalui website mereka di Daripada lama-lama, yuk saksikan surat-suratanku dengan Lindt*)

*) Syarat dan ketentuan wajib!
Jangan ketawa ya bacanya karena bahasa inggrisku juga tingkat rata-rata. Ingeeetttt, jangan ngetawain, senyam-senyum juga ga boleh apalagi menghina

Aku (04 Desember 2014):
Dear Lindt & Sprungli, 

I am interested in Lindt's Excellence 70% or 85% Cacao but I didn't see halal label there, something that is found easily on any kind products in my country. When I check the ingredients, I see they contain of cocoa mass, fat reduced cocoa, cocoa butter, unrefined cane sugar, natural Bourbon vanilla beans. 

I have some questions. Do your products contain any alcohol or animal derivative product especially from pork? Is natural Bourbon vanilla bean from vanilla seeds or made artificially? If it's from vanilla seeds, can you tell me if alcohol is added into the process? Or if it's from vanilla extract, does this extract contain alcohol? 

I really appreciate your answer because I am a moslem and I need to know if I am allowed to eat your chocolates. Thank you for your attention.

Lindt (10 Desember 2014):

Thank you for your email and for your interest in our products.

We are delighted to inform you that all our chocolates are suited for vegetarians. The only ingredients of animal origin we use to manufacture some of our chocolates are milk (milk and white chocolates) and egg (filled chocolates, pralines).

All Lindt chocolate products containing alcohol or alcoholic liqueurs as an ingredient do have these ingredients clearly disclosed in the list of ingredients printed on the wrapper/packaging.

Lindt & Sprüngli Switzerland is using a few flavourings with alcohol as carrier and these are used in fillings of bars and chocolates (pralines). Taken into account that flavourings are used in small quantities in our recipes, the amount of alcohol introduced into the product via the carrier is very small (below 0.1%).

Our solid and plain chocolates (white, milk and dark, without filling and flavours other than Vanilla/Vanillin) are vegetarian and do not contain any alcohol.

However, we do not have any Halaal certified products.

We hope that this information is of help to you. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further enquires.

Yours sincerely,
Grace TamConsumer Service
Lindt & Sprüngli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd.
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai
+852 25 26 58 29

Aku (11 Desember 2014):
Dear Lindt&Sprungli,

I'm sorry for asking again. Then, which are your products that do not contain alcohol? Could you mention them?

Thank you

Lindt (16 Desember 2014):

Thanks for your enquiry.  The following items you may consider as do not contain alcohol:
Swiss Classic 100g bar: Milk, dark, white
All Excellence range: 70%, 85%, 90%, 99%
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Grace TamConsumer Service
Lindt & Sprüngli (Asia-Pacific) Ltd.
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai
+852 25 26 58 29

Oke, sekarang aku berencana beli Lindt Excellence... Hari minggu kemarin aku lihat ada Lindt Excellence di Carrefour Bekasi Square. Berarti udah 2 tempat untuk cari Lindt. Satu di Rezeki (Harmoni), satu lagi di Carrefour Bekasi Square (ga tau kalo di Carrefour yang lain, belum lihat).

I hope this help...


8 komentar:

  1. mbak, hati2 sama produk susunya. sekalipun ga ada alkohol tidak menjamin kandungan bahan pembantu yang tidak mengandung babi. lebih baik berhati2

  2. hati-hati dengan kontaminasi silang.
    dan juga status halal, terutama dengan flavour dan ingredients, jika tidak ada logo halal. maka ini subhat.

  3. Hati-hati mba, ada kemungkinan tempat pembuatannya sama dengan varian yang mengandung alkohol. Takutnya tetap terkontaminasi. Setuju dengan pendapat sebelum saya. Wallahu'alam, semoga Allah swt menjaga kita dari yang haram.

    Salam kenal ya ^^

  4. Makan tinggal makan gausah ribet halal atau haram, apalagi mikirin label halal, warteg sebelah rumah gw juga ga ada logo halalnya wkwkkw

    1. kenapa harus dibuat ribet urusan ini? Alkohol cuma sedikit kan ga apa-apa.... Aku ga setuju dengan ini. Bagiku minuman beralkohol tetap minuman beralkohol. Babi tetap babi. Darah tetap darah. Ini tentang ketaatan kepada Rabb yang saya bersaksi tidak ada Tuhan kecuali Dia. Rasa enak masih bisa dicari.

  5. All Lindt chocolate products containing alcohol or alcoholic liqueurs as an ingredient do have these ingredients clearly disclosed in the list of ingredients printed on the wrapper/packaging.

    Berarti mengandung alkohol.

    1. Yang disitu disebutkan cleary disclosed in the list of ingredients printed on the wrapper/packaging.. berarti sudh jelas yg mengandung alkohol jelas disebutkan dalam List Ingredients di kemasan..berarti tidak semuanya mangandung alkaohol..CMIIW

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