Karena aku udah buat post tentang cokelat yang berisi kegalauanku dengan cokelat impor, aku coba cari tau beberapa dari mereka dengan menanyakan langsung di websitenya. Sekarang waktunya aku untuk menampilkan jawaban dari Ritter Sport berdasarkan kegalauanku di post ini.
Aku (17 Desember 2014):
Dear Ritter Sport,
I would like to know if your products are suitable for moslems? Do your products contain animal derivatives, especially from pork? Do your products contain alcohol? Is the ingredient of "natural flavouring" alcohol-free and pork-free?
I thank you for your fast answer.
Ritter Sport (17 Desember 2014):
Dear Customer,
thank you very much for your email and for your interest in our products.
Our assortment of milk chocolates can contain low-fat milk powder, whole milk powder, cream powder, whey powder, yogurt powder and/or clarified butter. These milk products are of animal origin (cows). At the moment we use whey powder in our Ritter Sport Butter Biscuit, in our Ritter Sport Caramel and Nuts and in our Chocolate Cube Caramel. The rennet which is needed to produce the whey powder for our Caramel and Nuts and for our Chocolate cube Caramel is of microbial origin. The rennet for the production of the whey powder for our Butter Biscuit is of animal origin.
Sometimes we also use egg products. But we don't use any products of pork origin.
Our varieties Marzipan and Dark Chocolate do not contain either milk products or any other animal products.
The natural flavourings which we use in our chocolate are of plant origin.
If alcohol is added to the chocolate as an ingredient, this will be expressly noted on the packaging.
Varieties with alcohol are, for example, the varieties 100g Rum Raisin Hazelnuts and the Ritter Rum Crispy Bar.
If alcohol is used in the chocolate as a flavour carrier substance, the chocolate will have an alcohol content of approximately 0.02% which is very low. In apple juice, for example, an alcohol content of 0.3% is allowed (almost 25 times as much).
In the attachement we send you a list of all of our products that don't contain alcohol as an ingredient or as a flavour carrier substance. But please be informed, that not all of these products are available in Indonesia.
The following products are certified Halal:
Alpine Milk Chocolate
Dark Whole Hazelnuts
Fine Extra Dark Chocolate 73%
Fine Milk Chocolate
Strawberry Yogurt
Whole Almonds
Dark Chocolate
Cocoa Mousse
Butter Biscuit
Choco Duo
Raisins & Nuts
Vanilla Mousse
Whole Hazelnuts
Alpine Milk Chocolate
Biscuits & Nuts
Mini: Hazelnuts, Yogurt, Butter Biscuit, Marzipan, Praline
Chocolate Cube: Praline, Caramel, Cocoa Brittle, Yogurt
Kind regards,
Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG
i.A. Melissa Michl
Quality management
Food Law + Consumer Service
Tel +49 7157/97-210
Fax +49 7157/97-233
E-Mail: VS_LMR@ritter-sport.de
Internet: http://www.ritter-sport.de
Ritter Sport juga melampirkan daftar produknya yang punya sertifikat halal dalam bentuk PDF. Karena aku ga tau cara melampirkannya ke blog, bagi yang mau lihat lampirannya, sila isi komentar. In sya Allah aku kirimin lewat email.
Jujur, aku merasa gimanaaaa gitu dengan jawaban Ritter Sport kalo dia punya sertifikat halal untuk beberapa produknya. Lindt aja mengakui kalo dia ga punya sertifikat halal. Ritter Sport punya....
Tapi aku tetep ga percaya begitu aja. Langsung kubales lagi emailnya:
Aku (18 Desember 2014):
Dear Ritter Sport,
I am glad for your fast response and I am impressed a lot of your products are halal certified. What organization did give you this certification?
Thank you so much.
Sincerely yours,
Ritter Sport (18 Desember 2014):
Dear Customer,
thank you for your inquiry.
We are happy to inform you, that our products were certified by HALAL CONTROL (EU).
We hope that we were able to help you with this information
Kind regards,
Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG
i.A. Melissa Michl
Quality management
Food Law + Consumer Service
Tel +49 7157/97-210
Fax +49 7157/97-233
E-Mail: VS_LMR@ritter-sport.de
Internet: http://www.ritter-sport.de
Masih penasaran, aku coba cari tau tentang HALAL CONTROL (EU) dan aku menemukan bahwa memang ada logonya Ritter Sport di websitenya. Cekidot hir!
Alhamdulillah, berarti waktu makan Ritter Sport dulu itu, ternyata memang boleh.... Sekarang bisa deh tenang makannya.